Iambic Pentameter Series | 2015


Being the hopeless romantic, I became inspired by my favorite Shakespearean tragedy, Romeo & Juliet. Although the tragedy’s focus is primarily on young people and forbidden love, it was a beacon of internal change in my identity as an artist. As I progressed in my undergrad program, I felt alien to my work. I wasn’t creating in my voice, but as the voices of my mentors. While many of their teachings were monumental in my practice today, I felt there was a monster within biding its time until I released it. I was repelled by the representational work I had done and finally experienced the death of that artist I used to be. From this series on, I began to lean more into abstraction, the freedom of channeling my medium and allowing the invisible force to guide my brush, became my safe haven.

Act II, Scene VI

“These violent delights have violent ends, and in their triumph die like fire and powder, which as they kiss consume”.